Tag Archives: persuasion

Gitomer Gets Persuasion

‘Little Green Book of Getting Your Way’ by Jeffrey Gitomer, FT Press, 2007.

Another ‘colorful’ helping from one of my favorite authors. This time, Gitomer provides his content-rich take on persuasive speaking, writing and presenting to sell your point of view to others,

Start with the End in Mind

This article is second in a series on audience-centric presentations.

My previous article introduced an overview of Audience-Centricity, the single best strategy for getting into the Presenters Hall of Fame. Now, we’ll begin the process of enhancing your Presenter’s Tool Kit. Some of you will find new tools to add to your kit. Others will find new ways to use existing tools. And all of you can use this opportunity to sharpen all your presenter’s tools for maximum results.

Let’s start with the most critical component for creating Best-in-Class Audience-Centered presentations – Defining Objectives. Most presentations that fail or misfire do so because of poor planning and strategy at this step. You start with the end in mind, as Dr. Stephen Covey teaches us, by defining specific outcomes for your presentation.

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