Category Archives: Bookshelf

Heard Any Good Books Lately?

Confused? I’ll explain shortly.

As busy business leaders, we face lots of challenges doing our jobs or running our businesses. One of the most important challenges we face is the need for on-going professional education. We may recognize the importance of Life Long Learning, but who has the time and energy to do any of it? Read More »

101 Meeting Managing Tips

 ‘Managing Meetings’, Tim Hindle, DK Publishing, Essential Managers series, NY, NY, 1998

Despite some pix of people in dated attire and old technology references, the author provides lots of simple tips for managing effective meetings, most of which still work today. A good quick read.

101 Tips for Presenters

 ‘’Making Presentations’, Tim Hindle, DK Publishing, Essential Managers series, NY, NY, 1998

Despite some pix of people in dated attire and old technology reference, the author provides 101 simple tips for creating and delivering effective presentations. Most still work today. Worth the quick read.

Influence Quickly

 ‘Instant Influence – How to Get Anyone to Do Anything – FAST’, Michael V. Pantalon, PhD, Gildan Media Corp, 2011,

The author presents an interesting approach to influencing people – succeeding in only seven minutes with six simple questions.

Lessons Learned from the Gridiron

 ‘Hard Hitting Lessons’, Jim Tabaczynski, 2017

My good friend and favorite PR pro Jim Tabaczynski of the JPT Group shares some simple but not-so-obvious business lessons learned from playing football. Well worth the read.


A Quick Refresher

‘Communicate Clearly’, Robert Heller, DK Publishing, NY, 1998

I actually read this little Essential Managers series reference book again. Lots of simple reminders – worth the quick read.

Lots of Great Reads

Readers often indicate that they appreciate my regular listings here in BookShelf, but one asked for a comprehensive list. Great idea. Here you go …

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No BS About BS

‘Your Call Is Important To Us – the Truth About Bullsh*t’, Laura Penny, Random House, NY, 2005

I  picked up this book for the title and actually read it while traveling. An interesting study of the steaming piles of BS found in advertising, institutions and government.

Communicate with Style

‘People Styles at Work and Beyond – Making Bad Relationships Good and Good Relationships Better’, by Robert Bolton & Dorothy Grover Bolton, American Management Association, NY, 2009.

An excellent discussion of four basic workplace communication styles – Driver, Expressive, Amiable and Analytical – their strengths, weaknesses and need for adaptation.

It’s ShowTime

‘Good in a Room – how to sell yourself and your ideas and win over any audience’, by Stephanie Palmer, Tantor Media, Inc., 2008.

A most interesting take on high stakes pitches and meetings from a former Hollywood studio executive who listened to a lot of pitches in a lot of meetings.