Tag Archives: Faves

Phil’s Faves – Another Sicilian Proverb

Here’s another useful and interesting key concept you might have heard in one of my training or coaching sessions. Add it to the ‘Best of Phil’.

‘Any fool can learn from his or her own mistakes. A smart person learns from the mistakes of others. But, a wise guy learns from the successes of others.’

Phil Stella, 21st century entrepreneur, communication consultant, executive coach … and wise guy

A Fave About Perception

I just used one of my faves in this issue’s Quickie piece. So … if you were in one of my presentations skill sessions, you would have heard:

‘Your audience’s perception is your reality. If they think you look and sound like a confident and competent presenter, you are. Simple as that.’

Use it if you like with my permission. Just spell my name right …

Phil Stella, 21st Century workplace communication consultant, executive coach and author.

One of My Favorite ‘Faves’

You can’t be around me very long without hearing or reading:

‘Don’t tell me it won’t work until you try it and can tell me it didn’t work!’

And use it if you like it … with my compliments.

Phil Stella, 21st Century workplace communication expert, executive coach and author.

An Email Fave

Add this one to your growing list of often-heard comments from my workshops or presentations.

‘The only thing worse than an ineffective email is an effective email that should have been a text, a brief face-to-face conversation or a phone call instead!’

Phil Stella, 21st Century workplace communication expert, executive coach and author.

A Phil’s Faves About Love

You wouldn’t need to be in the audience for one of my presentation or workshops very long before you heard one of my favorite bits of entrepreneurial philosophy –

     Do what you love and love what you do. All the rest is just details. 

So, are you doing what you love? If not – why not? And how’s that working for you?


Glad to see that readers are enjoying my ‘Faves’. Here’s one you might have heard in one of my workshops or presentations on communication best practices.

Err on the side of over-communicating important messages to increase your probability of success. Because once is never enough!

Phil Stella, 21st Century workplace communication consultant, executive presentation coach and award-winning writer.

A Bad Email

Here’s another Phil’s Fave you might have heard in a Workplace Writing presentation or workshop …

The only thing worse than a bad email is a great email that didn’t need to be an email. It should have been a text, phone call or brief face-to-face conversation.’                                                                        

And, you can quote me – just be sure to indicate who I am:

Phil Stella, 21st Century workplace communication consultant, executive coach and author.

A ‘Phil’s Fave’ on Meeting Management

The only thing worse than a bad workplace meeting is a great meeting that didn’t need to be a meeting. It should have been an email, text, phone call or face-to-face conversation.’ 

And, you can quote me –

Phil Stella, 21st Century workplace communication consultant, executive coach and author.


Phil’s Faves – Old Sicilian Proverb

Here’s another useful and interesting key concept you might have heard in one of my training or coaching sessions. Add it to the ‘Best of Phil’.

‘Any fool can learn from his or her own mistakes. A smart person learns from the mistakes of others. But, a wise guy learns from the successes of others.’

Phil Stella, 21st century entrepreneur, communication consultant & executive coach

Phil’s Faves – Vague

 I appreciate the positive feedback from readers that indicated periodically sharing key concepts from my training and coaching engagements is both useful and interesting. So, add this one to your ‘Best of Phil’ list.

Avoid vague words or references. Otherwise, you leave it up to your readers to define what you mean. And they may come up with a different definition than you would have.

And … true to my rant about always identifying the people you quote:

Phil Stella, 21st century entrepreneur, communication consultant & executive coach