Make the Most of Learning Events

Savvy business leaders treat workshops, seminars and conferences as valuable resources that come with a huge cost of time and money. So, as with any business resource, make sure you use Learning Events effectively and efficiently:

  • Research them in terms of outcomes, results and value proposition. If possible, contact previous years’ attendees and ask them what they got from attending.
  • Precisely define objectives and outcomes for each event or each session at a larger conference. What do you want to accomplish as a result of attending? What do you want or need to learn? Why?
  • Go with a plan. If you’re attending with co-workers, make sure you attend different workshops so you can compare notes afterwards.
  • Make the most of the experience. Arrive early and stay late each day.
  • Maximize the networking potential before and after workshops and presentations. Sit with strangers.
  • Follow up quickly with people you meet or who shared useful information.
  • Thoroughly evaluate your ROI. Do a formal debrief with coworkers who attended. Did you accomplish your goals? Learn new things?

So, make the most of these Learning Events by treating them as expensive tools and using them wisely.