Listening? What does listening have to do with your job as hard-working and dynamic business leaders or entrepreneurs? Well … a lot, when you get out of your own box and view your role as a workplace communicator and problem-solver for your internal or external customers.
Look Here To Know Who I Am
One of the simplest tools in your Power Networking Tool Kit is the humble little Name Tag you wear at networking events. Everyone uses them, but few people do so strategically to add to a positive first impression and enhance their networking process. Really … I’m not making this up.
Q&As that Sizzle
As workplace presenters, you have two basic strategies for handling audience questions – holding them until the end and handling them anytime. Both approaches work, but each has some disadvantages.
There also are two hybrid strategies that involve the best features of both approaches. So, here’s how to make your Q&As Sizzle!
Make Your Stance Sizzle!
How you stand when presenting can harness physical power and project confidence, credibility and competence … or not. Because your audience only knows what it sees, your stance can be a great natural visual aid. It can also show nervousness or lack of confidence very quickly and clearly. So … look the part you’re playing – a confident and credible presenter … and make your Stance Sizzle.
Clarity & Brevity Both Rule!
Some of you have begun thinking more about the words you use in routine workplace writing. If you identified lots of word choice habits, also good. If you asked yourself why you used a particular word or phrase and weren’t happy with your answers, then get ready to rock & roll. Many of you will benefit from some lessons learned on the journey towards more reader-centric word choices.
Your Elevator Speech Revisited
(A business reporter recently asked for my comments on ‘Elevator Pitches’. I was happy to share my expertise and experience and a summary of our conversation follows. )
FYI – I did indicate that I preferred ‘Elevator Speech‘ to ‘Elevator Pitch’. ‘Pitch‘ sounds like you’re trying to sell something. No one likes to be sold to. ‘Speech’ sounds like you want to share some information. Even though the difference in connotation is subtle, it can impact the mindset of the person doing it.
Success is in Your Hands
Looks like our summary of Gesturing ‘Worst Practices’ last month was a big hit, except for those people who though I was talking about them. As promised, this month we do a deep dive on Gesturing Best Practices that you can add to your Presenter Tool Kits to add dynamic Sizzle to your Gestures. So, hang on – it will be a fast ride.
Coping with Covid-19
So, this is our new Covid-19 reality. Many small businesses are temporarily surviving with some or all the staff working from home. Some are closed with dim prospects for ever reopening.
Some are even flourishing, if their products or services are in greater demand now than they were in February, like florists, take-out only food shops, commercial cleaning firms and … liquor stores.
Networking Through the Pandemic
Sure, it’s much harder to network when most business events are cancelled and we need social distancing. So, let’s look in the rear view mirror for a change and get back to ‘old school basics’.
Introverts Arise!
I recently got a call from a reader who admitted to being very introverted, but still wanted to improve his networking results. I thought other introverts might benefit from what I shared, so here’s the essence of that conversation: