Customer-Centered Marketing

In responding to a reporter’s request for a marketing tip that is both effective and profitable, I indicated that mine was neither new, sexy or high tech. It’s old and simple, yet everything old is new again and simple is always good. My tip is embracing Customer-Centered Marketing.

Here’s a brief overview of that concept.

  • With a customer centered approach to marketing, everything you do you do for them, not you. It’s all about their needs, not your wishes. 
  • Provide the kind of programs, incentives and information that they need and want.
  • Communicate with them the way they want you to, not the way you want them to communicate with you.  If you usually text but this particular customer doesn’t like texting, don’ text. Find out what he or she prefers and use it.
  • Make it very easy for them to answer their two critical questions:
    • #1 – does your company provide the best product or service they need, want and can afford to solve their problem?
    • #2 – do they feel like they know, like and trust you?

Do all that and they’ll come to you, buy from you, recommend you and become your advocates. So, how’s that for effective, profitable and simple?