Hook Up With HARO

If you write articles or contribute to blogs as simple ways of promoting your expertise and your business, hook up with HARO (Help A Reporter Out).  It’s is a global service that connects reporters, journalists and bloggers with content experts like you … for free.

You contribute your expertise or input pro bono, but can gain excellent and even national exposure if your comments are used. I’ve been quoted in four requestors’ blogs or articles in the last two years – https://www.helpareporter.com/sources/

And, if you publish your own blog or eLetter, even better. You can submit content you’ve already written to the specific HARO requestor if it meets their needs. It’s faster than an interview and easier for the requestors. If you create something new for someone, you can then expand it for your own publication. A real win-win.

So, hook up with HARO and expand your positive exposure opportunities.