A prospect asked me if I could help him overcome his ‘stage fright’ when delivering routine workplace presentati0ns. My short answer was ‘I can’t – it’s a perfectly normal human response to fear or stress.’ Here are the highlights from the rest of the conversati0n.
Stage Fright
More Questions. More Answers.
The Fear Factor
(Based on reader input and comments from my executive coaching clients, sounds like it’s time to re-visit this important topic.)
How many of you really dread speaking in public? Don’t be ashamed to admit it – most people do. Or, at the very least, they don’t like doing it.
Overcoming Stage Fright
A blogger was doing research on stage fright for speakers and asked me how people can overcome it. My short answer was ‘They can’t – it’s a perfectly normal human response to fear or stress.’ Here are the highlights from the rest of the interview.
Overcoming Stage Fright?
How can people overcome stage fright or Presentation Anxiety (PA), the clinical term? Short answer – they can’t – it’s a perfectly normal human response to fear or stress. But what I help my executive coaching clients accomplish is managing their PA through Minimizing and Masking techniques.