Why I Love Letter ‘B’

Imagine you’re delivering a presentation with some projected support slides. You get to a section that has no slides – what do you do? If you leave up the last slide that now doesn’t relate to the content, it looks like a mistake and can be distracting, If you bring up the next slide that doesn’t relate to the current content either, the same thing happens. It looks like a mistake4 and can be distracting.

Here’s a solution as simple as ‘A – B – C’ … or, least as simple as ‘B’. When your keyboard is connected to a projector to run the slides, my favorite letter on it is ‘B’. With a properly set up system, ‘B’ causes the screen image to go black. The projector is still on and hitting ‘B’ again shows the last slide up.  The same happen s with letter ‘W‘ – the screen goes white.

With a properly designed audience-centric presentation that has specific periods without any slides, ‘B’ makes it easy to avoid having slides up too long or too early and keeps you from looking lame.

Simple, easy and flexible. See why it’s my favorite letter?