‘Phil’s Faves’ on Workplace Writing

Participants in my ‘Painless Workplace Writing’ workshops or presentations regularly hear me repeat simple phrases as a way to reinforce key learning points. So, here are some of my Faves to help you take a little pain out of writing at work:

  1. Everything you write at work you should write on purpose and for a purpose.
  2. No one should see you first draft of important messages. Everyone will see your final draft.
  3. With all emails, include something in the subject line to help your readers quickly assess and deal with them.
  4. Avoid vague words or references. Otherwise, you leave it up to your readers to define what you mean.
  5. Whenever a short, simple, familiar word is just as clear or clearer as a longer word, use the shorter word.

Stay tuned for more Phil’s Faves in future issues and best wishes for painless workplace writing.