Choose Networking Events Wisely

A reader asked for some simple tips on choosing appropriate networking events to attend. Networking at business and professional events can be a simple strategy to take your business to the next level. Maximize your ROI from these events by choosing them wisely.

1.  ‘Why are you networking?’ The process starts with precisely defining your specific networking objectives. Why will you be networking? What kind of information are you seeking?
2. The ‘why’ determines the ‘who’.  What kinds of people do you need to meet to help you accomplish those specific objectives?  Define them by title or function, like marketing decision-makers or business owners.
3.  The ‘who’ drives the ‘where’. Where can you find large numbers of them in the same place at the same time gathered there for similar purposes? What events would be effective and efficient ‘platforms’ for your networking objectives?
4.  Don’t necessarily choose an event because of your interest in the topic. Choose it because of who is interested in the topic and how interested you are in meeting them. Go for the networking. Stay for the presentation.


Choose your events wisely. You only have so much time and money to invest in the process.