(As part of my Social Media strategy, I regularly engage in discussions with several presentation-oriented Linked In groups. Here’s a summary of some recent posts regarding PowerPoint.)
Often, the best PowerPoint advice I offer in my workshops or coaching engagements is not to use slides at all. Everyone uses PowerPoint and most people abuse it. Walking into a meeting room with the lights dimmed, the projector on and a title slide up often sets up expectations of more painful ‘Death by PowerPoint’. Not a great way to begin a presentation. PowerPoint can also imply a canned lecture and the absence of interactivity. Again, more negative connotation baggage.
I avoid PowerPoint in most of my workshops. About an hour in, I ask people how many have noticed the lack of slides. All raise their hands. I then ask them how many mind that I’m not using slides. No hands go up. I often get positive comments about the lack of slides.