I Hate ‘No Problem’

I’m really getting tired of ranting about this issue, but it looks like my work here is far from over!

Why do so many people respond to ‘Thank you.’ with ‘No Problem.’ today? I doubt that many of them felt that the act I just thanked them for was, in fact, a problem. Maybe it would usually be a problem, but not this time. Or maybe a problem with other people, but not me.

Maybe it’s a generational thing, as many restaurant servers, store clerks, admin assistants, etc. are young … certainly, younger than me. Could even be my steady evolution into a curmudgeon!

While saying ‘No problem.’ is really no problem, it doesn’t add anything positive, either. It just ends the conversation on a dull, if not lame note. So, turn this situation into a teachable moment the next time you overhear a staff member respond with ‘No problem.’

Suggest that ‘You’re welcome.’ would be better. Even better is to respond with what they teach everyone at the award-winning Ritz Carleton hotel chain to say every time – ‘My pleasure … ‘.

So, if this simple little act makes sense to you, then consciously turn ‘No problem’ into ‘My pleasure.’  Anyone have a problem with that?