Thanks Again Carol Roth!

Regular readers may recall that I regularly contribute content to several of Carol Roth’s popular e-publications. She’s a nationally known PR and Entrepreneurship expert, speaker and author … and apparently a big fan of my work. And many of her posts are picked up by other major medial outlets. 

Carol ran my most recent item in her The Top Business Book Recommendations for Summer 2019’ article:  “A Great Business Book

A really great read is 10 years old – The 100 Best Business Books of All Time – What They Say, Why They Matter and How They Can Help You by Jack Covert & Todd Sattersten, 2009, The Penguin Group, New York, NY. 

The detailed summaries have useful content as such, help me determine if I want to read – or listen to – the whole book and make it easy for me to impress people that I actually did read the whole book. Hey, as Jim Collins might say, “…works for me.”

So, thanks again for the great exposure Carol and for being such a raving fan!