Foonman Enterprises Senior Sales Rep Pete Andrews arrived at work early Tuesday so he could help his boss Tony prepare for the big sales pitch to Glitz’O’Matic that afternoon. He hadn’t even gotten his coffee when Marketing VP Ralph burst into his cubicle.
Make Your Pitches Painless
Do you ever experience pain when you pitch business? Do you cause some pain for your prospects as a result of those pitches? If you answered ‘yes‘ to either question, then read and heed these 10 Best Practices for creating Painless Sales Pitches.
Why I Love the Three Es
I really love the ‘Power of the Three Es’. Your workplace audiences expect and deserve presentations that are ‘Effective, Efficient and Engaging’, so don’t let them down. And remember the ‘Fourth E’, so necessary to achieve those results – Effort.
Your Ideal Next Job
(As we gradually emerge from Covid 19 WFH, some people begin looking for better jobs. So, it made sense to offer a second helping of this excellent piece from two years ago. Enjoy this trip down memory lane.)
Dumbest Networking Question
Many of you were taught that there aren’t any dumb questions. Sorry to spoil your fantasy, but there are plenty of dumb questions.
Success is in Your Hands
Looks like our summary of Gesturing ‘Worst Practices’ last month was a big hit … except for those people who though I was talking about them. As promised, this month we do a deep dive on Gesturing Best Practices that you can add to your Presenter Tool Kits to add dynamic Sizzle to your Gestures. So, hang on – it will be a fast ride.
Hand it to Your Audience (4/20)
(This month, we rerun a popular feature from last year. So, take a second look at Gestures.)
How good are your presentation gestures? Want to find out? I see a lot of hands up, so let’s start with a brief summary of Gesturing ‘Worst Practices’. It should be an interesting and mildly amusing trip, but may hit too close to home. Then next month, we’ll focus on Best Practice skills to fix the problems.
Do Your Emails Suck?
Your routine workplace emails might suck if you ignore the reality that every note you send a customer, colleague or manager can project your image of professionalism, competency and courtesy — or detract from it. So, if you don’t want your emails to suck, just avoid these worst practices:
Your Networking Value Proposition
Let’s briefly discuss your Networking Value Proposition for small businesses.
‘Platinum Rule’ Communicators Rule! (6/19)
Many business professionals diligently attempt to practice the ‘Golden Rule’ at work that we all learned as youngsters. A workplace communication version of that philosophy would be ‘Communicate with other people the way you want them to communicate with you.’