Tag Archives: social media

Social Media vs. Face-to-Face

A business reporter asked me about Social Media and how the using it, texting and email negatively impact sales professionals’ ability to communicate face-to-face. My response … for your reading pleasure: Read More »

Don’t be a LinkedIn Loser

LinkedIn is increasing in popularity and use, especially with all the buzz about its IPO. But, don’t be a ‘LinkedIn Loser’. When you do invite someone to link with you, avoid the system-generated generic ‘I’d like to add you to my professional network … ‘ Comes off like junk mail sent to ‘Occupant’.

Instead, take the extra minute to craft a two-line personalized note indicating why you want to connect with them and what you hope to accomplish. When you accept invitations from others, reply with a short note thanking them and suggesting some ways you might help each other.

No-Budget Marketing

Identify simple strategies for marketing your business when you donʼt have the skills to do it alone or the budget to have someone else do it for you. Harness the Power of the Pen, the Platform, and the Pro Bono, along with focused networking and social media use.